The Bully

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A boy gets bullied. But who's the real bully?
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The Bully

Author's Note: I truly believe there is no place in society for bullying. That said, I find the thought of a person being subjugated by another to be a sexual trigger. This non-consensual story feeds my fantasies. I ask that you let it feed yours as well without making it a reality.

This story is dark. And it doesn't have a happy ending for one of the characters. If you don't like stories where the person being bullied fails to rise up and get even, then I ask you to go no further with this story. Don't read it; don't comment on it.


Jennifer Cooper liked grocery shopping. Her mother, wanting her to have a full set of traditional wife and mother skills, had taught her well. Now that she had moved in with her boyfriend she found herself putting some of those skills to use. It was only a few months ago that Jen had moved into Roy Walker's apartment. Like Jen, Roy was a Sophomore at Cavern County Community College. The two were together throughout most of Freshman year and they decided to move into his place at the start of the fall semester.

A light rain was falling as Jen went into the Greenleaf Grocery Store on a Sunday morning. It was a warm fall day and she wanted to get her shopping done so that she and Roy could enjoy the rest of the day. Hopefully, the sun would come out so they could spend some time outside later. The store wasn't crowded but it was obvious that church had just concluded somewhere nearby as several well-dressed families were wandering around the aisles.

Jenn was not dressed like the post-church shoppers. She wore her tight cutoff jeans which showed off the bottom of her butt as well as every possible bit of her legs. Her shirt matched as it was also cut off; the white v-neck top hung loose off her braless breasts and fell just below allowing her nipples to barely poke through as if they were tacks holding the shirt away from her well-toned tummy.

Jen liked dressing provocatively. Seeing men, and occasionally women, turn their heads made her feel good. The fact that some girls talked about her and occasionally called her a slut didn't bother her. They were just jealous of her body. And besides she knew she wasn't a slut. She had only slept with two men in her whole life.

In high school, she and her multi-year boyfriend were the King and Queen of their class. It was expected that they would win this honor as students had been bowing down to them throughout their years together. They were the hottest couple in the school. What the other students didn't know was that the two didn't have sex until late in their senior year. Jen lost her virginity after Senior Prom. Weeks later she learned what it was like to be ghosted. She successfully hid the fact that she had been dumped for the remainder of the year. No one was going to laugh at the Prom Queen!

As always, Jen started her shopping in the fruits and vegetables section. She was using the skills learned from her mother picking out a cantaloupe when an older man walked up next to her and started doing the same. He was dressed nicely in a white shirt and what looked to be suit pants. He'd probably left his jacket in the car for this outing. Jen guessed that his wife and two children were shucking corn a couple of tables away.

Jen felt his stare as she worked through various unripe melons. "I don't have any idea what I am doing," he said quietly, rummaging through the fruit.

"Cantaloupes are easy," she responded, looking up and catching his eye. "Just give those melons a little squeeze like this." She knew exactly what he was thinking. He wasn't even looking at the melon in her hands as he started groping his cantaloupe.

"I like to shake my melons," she held up the melon shaking it and causing her own melons to jiggle under her shirt. "If you hear the seeds rumbling around then the melon is too ripe." Jen didn't even try to stifle her giggle. She looked deep into his eyes and gave her most seductive smile. She felt him stiffen as she gently touched the arm of his white shirt and said quietly, "I bet you're a good melon shaker." As she stepped back from the man she saw his wife standing with their two children. She was staring at her husband with her mouth agape.

Jen passed the family twice in the aisles as she continued to shop. He pretended not to see her the first time but in the second aisle she caught his eye just long enough to give him a little wink. She loved making men nervous.


Ethan Rowland was always on time for work at the Greenleaf. He depended on this job to pay for his room and board at college. As was required, he wore jeans and a white Greenleaf shirt that easily identified him as an employee. That Sunday morning he was assigned to watch the self-service registers, a job he liked because he could spend most of his time not doing anything but daydreaming. Occasionally someone couldn't figure out how to weigh their peaches or had trouble scanning their bread. When that happened he put on his Greenleaf smile and pleasantly helped the customer out.

He loved people-watching but today the people just weren't that interesting; that is until he saw that girl from one of his classes. He wasn't sure it was her the first time she came around the end-cap between canned goods and international foods but when she came down the next aisle he knew it was the one and only Jennifer Cooper. Jen Cooper, the girl whom he stared at every Monday Wednesday, and Friday in History class. Jen Cooper, the girl who was causing him to miss entire lectures because he was always fantasizing about her.

When she came down the frozen food aisle she was right in front of Ethan. Like always, he first noticed her wavy strawberry-blond hair. He loved that she always wore her hair down while other girls were more apt to tie it back or worse wrap it up in a bun. He always wondered why girls did that. They were so much prettier showing off their long hair.

As she approached the end of the aisle, his mouth fell open and he ogled her naked tummy. At first, her cart blocked his view but as she turned the corner he had a perfect view of her belly button and a perfectly flat midsection. He wondered what it would be like to touch ...

"Son! Son!" yelled an older heavy-set woman. "This credit card thingie doesn't work. How am I supposed to pay if I can't make it work?"

Ethan kept one eye on his fantasy girlfriend and he walked over to the irate woman. As Jen walked down the next aisle, he glimpsed that tight little ass barely covered with her jean shorts.

For a moment he just stared at the troubled customer as if he was paralyzed. Then remembering that he had a job to do he gave her a big Greenleaf Grocery smile, turned the card around, and tapped it against the screen. The reader beeped, taking money from her account. "Oh thank you, son," she said her voice turning pleasant, "I just never can understand these things." Ethan was no longer paying attention. He just scanned the grocery floor hoping to get another sighting.

She had disappeared in frozen foods for some time. Ethan kept craning his neck to try to get a sighting. She had to be almost done with her shopping. Suddenly a thought came to his head. What if she came to self-checkout? Would he talk to her? He had never really spoken to her. One day after class he had croaked out a little "Hi" when she walked by. He remembered fondly how she looked at him with those deep blue eyes and how he shivered with excitement afterward. He took a deep breath and started rehearsing what he would say when she checked out.

Suddenly she appeared from the back of the store. She was heading toward self-checkout! He could see her skimpy top and, what? It looked like she didn't have a bra on! Were those her nipples? Sweat was forming on his forehead and he felt clammy as she pulled into the self-checkout line. This was it!

"Ethan. Time for your break" Ethan jumped as his boss, Miss Nancy, abruptly appeared behind him. "Take your 15 now. Paula will be here to cover. She gave him a closer look, "Uh, are you okay? You look a little pale."

"No, I'm fine Miss Nancy. I - I don't need a break right now," he said nervously.

"Sorry kid, It's the rules. You have to take a 15-minute break and the only time I can get someone to cover for you is right now."

Behind her, he saw his teammate, Paula, an extremely homely girl who looked like she had worked at the store forever and would most likely be here forever more. As he turned to leave he saw Jen walking up to one of the registers with a basket full of food. Timing was everything and it wasn't working in his favor today.

Ethan sat on the metal bench in front of the store. At best he hoped to get one more glimpse of Jen walking to her car. As he sat staring at the puddles from the morning rain, he imagined Jen at one of the registers running her purchases over the scanner. He pictured her having trouble weighing some fruit and him appearing next to her; maybe a little too close. He reached over her to adjust the bananas on the scale and punched in the code that he knew by heart. He felt a hardening in his crotch as he imagined her looking deep into his eyes with a big smile. He surreptitiously gently touched his palm to the crotch of his pants as he continued to fantasize about what would happen next.

Meanwhile, Jen was having some trouble at the register. She hadn't realized that her cart was wet from the morning rain and now her groceries had dampened. The flour that she bought was ruined but thankfully the nice girl working at the registers called to get another one for her. While she waited for the flour Jen started packing her groceries in the paper bags located under the register. Jen's shopping lessons with her mother had taken place when stores gave out plastic bags. More recently many stores, including Greenleaf Grocery, had reverted to paper to show they were environmentally aware. The bags were harder to pack than the old plastic ones but she had found that she could get more in them lessening her trips from her car to her second-floor apartment.

By the time she had finished packing, the new flour had arrived and was placed on the top of one of the already full bags. After a quick thank you to the register girl, she was on her way. As she exited the store she spied white shirt man and his family checking out. She thought about giving him a little sexy wave as his family looked on but decided she was done with him. She had embarrassed him enough today.

Ethan was pulling up that teeny shirt and gently pressing her palms against her breasts in his fantasy when the automatic door opened and Jennifer Cooper appeared. The light morning breeze pushes her hair back exposing those beautiful breasts that seemed to show themselves through her tiny shirt. Saddened that he didn't get the chance to speak to her in the store, he thought he could approach her now. As he began to rehearse what he might say she continued right by him and pushed her cart up the slight incline of the parking lot leaving him with only the gorgeous view of her ass which was peeking out under those too short - too-tight jeans shorts Another opportunity lost with Jen Cooper.

Unaware of the fact that she was being ogled from the sidewalk, Jen opened the back of her car and started loading the bags into the car.

The first bag made it into the back of her car just fine. The cart, then just a bit lighter, slowly started rolling away from the car. Ethan watched as she caught the cart with her foot then grabbed the next bag from the top pulling it up while trying to stay balanced. Unaware that her groceries were still damp from the cart, she lifted the bag, only to have the soaked bottom give way, sending cans, boxes, and fruit tumbling onto the wet pavement. Ignoring the spill for the moment she steadied the cart and carefully picked up the third bag by the bottom. Even with the extra care the heavy bag refused to hold together. The liter bottle of soda went through the bottom first, exploding as it hit the pavement. The eggs didn't do much better. Each member of the fragile dozen cracked open as they landed at the girl's feet. In a final effort to save something, she clutched her remaining groceries to her chest and turned toward her car hoping for a safe landing. Everything made it in except the bag of flour which tipped out of the car at the very last moment and fell to the earth breaking open and causing a cloud of white flour to rise around her feet.

Ethan, of course, saw the whole thing and without thinking rushed out to rescue the damsel in distress. On his way, he scooped up the melon as it rolled toward him then after grabbing the runaway cart just before it hit another vehicle he found himself in front of Jen Cooper still not knowing what to say. Staring down at the messy mixture of egg, soda, and flour, he blurted out, "You know you're supposed to wait till you get home to start making dinner.

He immediately thought, what a stupid thing to say but was surprised when she started giggling. As he kneeled in front of her to save some of her groceries she responded, "I don't think this Diet Pepsi, flour and egg recipe was going to work anyway." Maybe his line wasn't so silly after all, he thought.

When Ethan stood to place some canned goods into her car he suddenly realized how close he was to this girl. He also saw that her shirt now damp from grabbing the remaining groceries was forming an almost perfect outline of her breasts and nipples.

Following his eyes, Jen knew exactly what she was doing to this nervous boy. She decided to ignore it at first. She'd shame him later. Curious as to whether he would look away from her chest she leaned against her car and said, "Hey, aren't you in Dr. Harvey's European History class?"

It took him a moment to look up from her captivating cleavage, but when he realized she was talking to him, he forced himself to meet her gaze. The instant he locked with her eyes, his thoughts scattered. He stood there, mouth open, ready to speak, but no words came out.

"Dr Harvey's class? At college? You sit behind me right?"

"Oh, right. Yeah, I guess I do." Ethan knew exactly where he sat because he always chose a seat one row behind her and one seat to the left so that he could stare at her while pretending to watch Dr. Harvey lecture.

"Don't ya think she's a good teacher?" she continued trying to extend the conversation with the nervous boy.

"Ah, sure. Good," was all he could get out. He had no idea if she was a good teacher. He had barely heard a word she said all semester.

"So, what do you do when you're not in History class or working at the Greenleaf?"

Ethan didn't want to answer this question. He had no life other than work and school and his friends were few. "Ah, well, I get off at three and I'll probably get together with my buddies and go out for some drinks. You know, the usual stuff," he lied.

"Well, it was nice to meet you. I'm Jennifer."

Duh. He certainly knew that. He looked down at her boobs wanting to make one more memory for himself.

"And you are?" She continued.

"Oh, ahh I'm ahh Ethan."

Well, you are my hero, Ethan. Thank you." Jen was very specific with her next move. She took a step toward him and placed her arms on his back pulling him into a tight hug.

Ethan could barely stand as he felt those two orbs press against his chest. Was this really happening?

As she broke away from him, she repeated, "You were my hero today Ethan. Thank you so much." With that, she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips. She held him there for just a moment before pressing his lips open and sliding her tongue into his mouth.

When they parted and Ethan looked white as a ghost, Jen knew she had done her job but she couldn't stop there. She leaned in again, this time putting her lips so close to his ear that she could feel his hair stand up. "Next time we meet spend more time looking at my eyes than my nipples."

The word, nipples sent Ethan into shock. The hug, the kiss, and now her talking about her nipples were simply too much for the poor boy. He stood stock still with his mouth open as Jennifer Cooper hopped in her car and started driving away. The last thing he saw was her arm out the window giving him a wave goodbye.


At home that afternoon, over a lunch made from the food she had saved from the morning fiasco, Jen related her disaster at the Greenleaf to her boyfriend Roy.

"So this guy, Ethan came around and helped pick up all the food that was rolling around in the parking lot.

"Ethan? What a dorky name," Roy replied.

"Hey he was a nice kid and he was really helpful, that is when he wasn't drooling all over me."

"Well yeah, who wouldn't drool at the sight of you?" he replied lowering his hand to gesture toward her outfit as his hand lowered.

When she finished her sandwich, she added slyly, "There's one more thing you should know. That guy -- Ethan -- he sorta kissed me." She loved telling Roy things like this even if it was a lie. He always reacted the same way and occasionally it led to a dangerous confrontation.

Roy was a bully. He always had been. All through middle school and high school, he had been disciplined for picking on smaller kids. It never stopped him though and he was well known by the younger and weaker as someone to avoid at all costs.

Jen didn't see Roy as a bully. She considered him to be a strong guy who was amazingly possessive of her. She had always been attracted to strong and physically powerful men. As a 6'3" former football player Roy fit the bill nicely. She knew he could hold his own against someone his size and that he was willing and able to take on anyone who bothered her. She also knew that poor Ethan was to be his next victim. Although she didn't show it, she was smiling inside thinking about their new afternoon plans.

"He SORTA kissed you?" Roy exclaimed between bites of his ham and cheese sandwich. "He either kissed you or he didn't. There's no sorta kissing."

Jen looked away. She wanted to show that she was embarrassed about being the victim of an unwanted kiss. She also had a hard time looking at Roy when she lied. "Yes, he kissed me," she said quietly.

"Then I guess we have to go find the little twerp."

"He'll be leaving the Greenleaf at three o'clock."


Ethan was in a state for the entire afternoon at work. Had what he thought happened actually happened? He regularly rubbed his face remembering the taste of her lips against his, the feel of her tongue inside his mouth. He thought he could still feel her breasts pressing into his chest. And then there was the bigger question; what did it all mean? Did Jennifer Cooper actually like him? Was there hope for him here? He was imagining the two of them holding hands walking out of European History or staring deeply into each other's eyes when suddenly he heard his name being called.

"Mr. Rowland!" Miss Nancy called out for the third time. He broke out of his trance to see her rushing toward him. Then he looked back at his register bank and saw four of the five registers blinking with customers looking to him for help.

"I'm on it, Miss Nancy! Sorry!" he called out as he quickly moved toward one of the customers. It was a full ten minutes before he got everyone resolved and on their way. When he returned to his post he had to work to bring back the memories of his first real kiss.

A few minutes before three Roy and Jen were sitting in his truck not far from where the spill had occurred. The puddle of soda, flour, and egg was still marking the pavement. She wondered briefly whether anyone would clean it up or if it would just sit there until the next rain washed it all away. Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw Ethan walking out the door.

"That's him!" She said pointing toward Ethan.