All Comments on 'Tricked into Lesbian Submission'

by silkstockingslover

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redlion75redlion75about 10 years ago

totally fucked up.i would put this as more of a rape thing since she was tricked and trapped into this lifestyle.when she already told laura she was straight and they drug her home drunk then forced her to have sex and in the middle of it she was forced to submit to being their pet makes them no better then a sex trafficker.even when she wakes up in the morning and wants to leave they use gentle coercion to make her stay,then tell her original tormentor that she can have a go at her later shows even less concern about her.the worst part is the forcing her to give up her life completely,no job,no home of her own,no friends.if this was a man she would be called abused.

goamz86goamz86about 10 years ago
Loved it!!!

Keep of the great eroticwork!! 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I loved it.

Thank you for another wonderful story.

reddbunnzreddbunnzabout 10 years ago
Another Great One!

Despite what redlion75 says, it's another great story from the queen of submission writers!

GermanikusGermanikusabout 10 years ago

You have seldom a story that´s not doing it for me ... but this is definitely one of your best!

liz33ndliz33ndabout 10 years ago
another great one

As usually. It kept me hot and wet. Your stories are so very well written. Where do I vote?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
totally agreed with redlion

most of your stories are like this some form or another... maybe you enjoy this kind of cruelty hm

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Thank you

Thanks for the hot story loved reading it wished people could understand the word fantasy !!


WanderingLost326WanderingLost326about 10 years ago
Another GREAT story

Another great story that had me glued to my screen, you definitely

need to write about the pet sitting experience.

mel_pomenemel_pomeneabout 10 years ago
Wonderful story!

A marvellous fantasy piece. It's a pity some people don't seem to understand what fantasy is about -- fortunately most do. Very well done once again; please have five stars and my sincere thanks. I hope you are successful in the comp.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
wonderful land of Oz

I hate agree with redlion75 but in this particular case I have to he's right this girl is not a pushover she's not stupid she holds a position in the bank and she's worked hard forand she's not going to fall over that easilylike flipping a light switch only a 6 year old would believe that shit I understand Fantasy but even fantasy has to have some sort of the realm of reality to it imagine the lawsuits don't go along with something like that you're being somebody been abused that way that girl would end up owning a good portion of that thang the CEO and ur girlfriend it's been a long time in prison and I can't imagine anybody and that position being that stupidto risk their lives and careers to pull a stunt like that and then to add insult to injury they they give her over to the people that set her up to begin withso they can abused her some morenow that being said The Wizard of Oz is fantasy but how many of you would like to have seen doors are you eating the pussy of the Wicked Witch of the West I'll bet some would be closer to 6 year olds I was talking about it awhile ago and you really got some dark places in the corner of your minds now with the owner of the club chateau being governor Daphne green and this little ordeal starting out in her place business and we're getting back to her about this shitthat would damage your business and her governorship if wordof this would happen to get back to Daphnewho decides to help Dion get revengeon her for friends + heckle and Jeckleand putting dillon in a position of power over all and end up with a power job from a new bank that is just happen to overtake heckle and Jekyll's bank sweet revenge

verbicideverbicideabout 10 years ago

Anonymous...relax. Yes, this was exceedingly silly, but, it's a fantasy and fantasies don't have to make sense. Besides, about halfway through your tirade, you went completely off the rails, losing all track of grammar, sentence structure and a coherent, cogent argument. Take a breath. You're right, the basis of this fantasy makes about as much sense as the "lesbians wouldn't be lesbians if they experienced the right dick" argument you here from some men. So? I wouldn't forbid those men from writing their "magic dick" fantasy, why jump all over Jasmine for her "magic pussy" or "suddenly spineless" fantasies? Nothing in the story was really that offensive. Dionne was given several chances to back out of the situation with no repercussions. The video was never threatened to be used as blackmail and while she was drunk, she was still lucid enough to say no if she had wanted to. The only questionable plot device was the handcuffs being used to lure her back to Chantelle and Laura's apartment under false pretenses, but as far as evil things that happen in sexual fantasies, that's pretty light weight. All in all, your tirade is a bit like a tempest in a teapot.

rightbankrightbankabout 10 years ago
wrong category

this should be in non con, or at least BDSM.

The gender of the victim is incidental to the actions of the predators.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I can't believe that I honestly don't like a story you wrote. I feel like I need a shower and not a cold one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Holy shit!

Omg, that was the BEST twist to a story ever!

The_Crazy_OneThe_Crazy_Oneabout 10 years ago

This is a good story once again SSL. But I have to agree with what some others had posted, this shouldn't be in the Lesbian Category. It fits more with the NonConsent/Reluctance Category. Dione was more or less forced into her first time with another woman/women. Granted once she let go she did enjoy herself so it was more reluctance than nonconsent. But still this story would better fit in that category than the pure lesbian category.

Also as a thought for a story, I kind always wonder how the bartender at Le Chateau makes of all this and how often does get for pussy snacked on snack on pussy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Love your stories... but......

I have read this one 20 times from you. You are such a great right writer I wish you would branch out and do something completely different....

It's so sad.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I was really surprised at how upset everyone was at this little stroke tale. I mean, if you want to get crazy over a ludicrous story, Like Mommy, Like Daughter is way worse. In that story, the main character is willing to turn over her bed, her house, and her freedom to a sexual predator devoid of tenderness or love or compassion who she hasn't laid eyes on in 18 years simply because her pussy got moist. Oh, and she'll allow her innocent teen daughter to be seduced into a life of sexual bondage because of the aforementioned damp snatch which seems to magically turn her into a spineless candidate for worst parent ever. Just saying.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Don't get hung up on category it's all in the title. Really hoping there is multiple parts to this!

The_Crazy_OneThe_Crazy_Oneabout 10 years ago

Look don't get me wrong. I enjoyed this tell a fair bit. But I was just stating my thoughts this belonged NonConsent/Reluctance Category instead of the Lesbian Category. Because that's how I see it. It makes it no less enjoyable either way.

Yes SSL has a habit of telling the same tell 20 different ways, that hasn't stop me from enjoying them. Yes I would like to see something different from her, but I believe she is writing these tells for herself and is good enough to post them here for us to enjoy. IF this is all she wants to write then so be it, because I will keep shooting my load on them.

silkstockingsloversilkstockingsloverabout 10 years agoAuthor
Question frm author...

hi all

Thanks for the positive and less positive comments (although not sure I agree on the non consent, but each to their own).

I do write for me, and fans and my question is:

Branch out how?

What would people like to read?

I tried a variety of categories I enjoy...


The_Crazy_OneThe_Crazy_Oneabout 10 years ago

SSL, maybe a First Time story? I'm always looking for those and good ones are few and far between IMO. One without submissive plots would be nice as you focus heavily on submissive plots. I know its because you a sub yourself and its an outlet for you. But how about a normal sex story of a 18 to 19 years figuring out the joys of sex with a older lover you just wants them as a lover not a pet.

Just my thoughts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
More research needed.

I couldn't get past the first bit as there were so many things that distracted me from the story as they were just plain wrong. Oxford is a city in its own right, the university is here, not in London (55 miles away). It's very rare to go to a middle school here, not many exist, most people go from primary (5-11), to high school (11-16), college or sixth form (16-18), then university. We say uni for short. It's also peppered with American slang.

BladenessBladenessabout 10 years ago
Neat story

I did feel the story was a little too formulaic with the sexy classic SSL touch to the scenes. Even though I thought the plot was a little too contrived the sex/humilation aspects still always carries it for me. Still my favorite author even though this isn't one of the top works I've seen though I still enjoyed it. It felt more like an April Fools quickie than a full on story I've come to love.

As for 'branching out', I'd love to see your old super sequel stories with interesting young female dommes even though its not really branching out. I am not into the whole gay/bisexual male/mother-son incest stories I've seen recently but definitely keep writing it if that is what you enjoy. What is considered to be classic SSL might be different for everyone but I really enjoyed the catching mommy/stocking tales/illustrated and a few of the non-incest male dom stories like save a tree.

If you really want new ideas, i did some suggestions as 'Blue' :) . I think you could maybe explore scifi/fantasy genres where your characters could use magic that enslaves friends/enemies at will. I could see some stories with heavy male sub cuckold/teasing from bratty girls as part of your new female dommes' preference. Maybe there could be a financial domination story where money forms new sexual hierarchies with the bottom making money and the top spending it. I am sure there is no limit to what you can make work but I say ignore comments like this and keep doing what you're feelin'. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I really liked the story and wonder if there might be a part 2. Liked the explicit dialogue which was a turn on in itself

kev_mo4989kev_mo4989about 10 years ago
Another amazing story Jasmine

Please let the real Dione know that this was an incredible story and thanks for requesting it. As for what you asked in your comment on what you should branch out to, I think it would be really hot to do a story involving a celebrity story. It would be really hot seeing one hot celebrity submit to another one, especially with both of them wearing stockings :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I know this was designed to be a one off but this definitely needs a follow up! :)

NaughtyBaby25NaughtyBaby25about 10 years ago

As a few others have, while this was probably intended as a one-off I would love love love to read a sequel! This was so hot with the dual mistresses and I'd love to see an actual sex pet (tail and all!) story from this.

ChinaSorrowChinaSorrowabout 10 years ago
Another good one

I like SSL's stories because they are extremely well written and they follow the old Hitchcock motto to always put your hero/heroine in danger. As with all fantasy stories you need a certain amount of suspension of disbelief and I have to admit that with this particular story you need a whole lot of it. But it was fun to read and aroused me a lot, so thank you for another well spent twenty minutes, SSL.

As for branching out, well, I like the dominance/submission aspect a whole lot and would love to read some more stories that involve couples experiencing sexual perils together, since it offers the opportunity for addes layers of 'danger'/humiliation/bisexuality and so on and so forth. The only topic that is not my cup of tea is incest, but you are still one of the few authors here who I follow eagerly. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Need a sequel


good story

I want more

bucco40bucco40about 10 years ago
Could have gone another way

Instead of having Becky being Chantelle's daughter, it would have been fun to see her brought down from being a stuck up kid and made to be a sub to serve DeeDee. It would have been a nice twist. I still liked the story.

FailedscoutFailedscoutalmost 10 years ago
Great Story!

This was one of your best and I too would love to read another chapter. Keep up the great work and thank you for taking the time to write these short erotic stories. I am grateful that you post them here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Why couldn't the two women have at least been attracted to her?

I really, really loved the idea of a pretty young British girl being picked-up by a pair of wealthy, decadent, older lesbians who want to take her home and make her their little sex-slave, but why couldn't they have at least appeared more attracted to her beautiful young body? Instead, they both seemed more interested in humiliating her and/or having her lick their "cunts." That quickly turned me off. I mean, why the long set-up of her wearing a short-short skirt and thigh-high stockings if all the older women really wanted was somebody to lick their "cunts?" I mean, she could just as easily have shown up in that bar in sweat-pants and a winter coat for all they cared! Seriously, you had an excellent overall story-idea, silkstockinglover, but please add some interest on the part of the dominant older lesbians next time for this pretty young girl's gorgeous legs & butt! It would be so much more enjoyable & hotter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Fantasy and all that

But it wasn't enjoyable on any level. Bunch of obnoxious, nasty, horrid people and it doesn't matter if they have cunts or dicks. Hard to feel aroused when you just want to take a brick to the head of the characters. Seduction by a group of slick but likable players would have done it better. However, some people seems to like horrid nasty people doing horrid things to others. Always makes me wonder which side they see themselves on.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Yeah, Silkstocking is a very good writer but her characters are usually sick, vile

sadistic assholes that make you wanna vomit! I no longer read her stuff because I realized that this a great writer but a fucked up, sick demented, evil, horrid asshole. Ewwww! At least she is doing that stuff in her stories and not in real life. This fucking cow is just into humiliation and debasement of the worst order... Someone needs to give her some good sex. Maybe we can finally read some hot, erotic stories from this fucked up pig...

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationalmost 10 years ago

What I usually enjoy very much about your stories is that you let us into the thinking of the characters. In this case you also did a good job, until about page 4. You stopped letting us into her awareness of her own debauchery.

When she automatically responded to Becky's command, you completely lost me. My suspension of disbelief shattered. I found that I simply could not believe that she would do that for Becky. Yes, I know that you described her feeling shame, but it was insufficient to overcome the strong dislike you'd built up for Becky earlier on. I guess you felt rushed at the end, and couldn't conclude the seduction properly.

lilly1313lilly1313over 9 years ago
Loved it, but...

This was a FUN story.

My only complaint is the ending feels a little.... forced, and not in a fun way. :p

The friends more or less should have been gone after the text, and I imagine that a couple who spent four years looking for the right new member of the family are going to value her more then the other characters anyway.

Also that would have left this prime for a sequel where our brave heroine gets some pay back on her "friends" as a gift from her powerful new Mistresses (or would it be Mistressi?).


Want to read what happened next to DeeDee

CAWMSJRCAWMSJRover 9 years ago
A True Submissive finds her true place.

As always you have created another beautifully written story of a girls journey into her true life as a submissive. As a repressed submissive myself I really enjoyed the story. The story brought out my desire to be a sissy even more. Thank You

HypnoFreakHypnoFreakover 9 years ago
Sequel Pleace

I really in joyed this story I loved the way they dominated, humiliated and turned her into a slave. And I hope you continue with this story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Really enjoyed the story, Love the submission and domination please continue!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Couldn't get far

I hope the rest of the story is better, but I couldn't take the poor writing at the beginning. Oxford isn't a "London College", it is in it's namesake city in the Midlands. The English don't call it college, it's a University, and don't consider themselves part of Europe the continent, even though technically that's true. We do not have grades in school, they are "years", there is no "middle school", probably the equivalent is "senior school", though that's variable and can mean ages 11 to 18 or 11 to 16, and after the latter you'd go to a sixth form college for ages 17-18.

All these wrong details just utterly ruined any sense of suspension of belief, screaming that it was written by an american. I'm glad others could enjoy this, but I'd suggest researching a bit more about a country if you're going to write in the first person as someone from there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Please keep this going. It was amazing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
More Please

Hoping that this story will be continued....

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Minor grammar Errors, Sentence Struture Hinderances

Not a bad story at all, but there were a few mis-spellings and better ways to word this to make it more fluent and a bit more suspensful.

RedwoodbobRedwoodbobabout 8 years ago
Keep going please.

This is very good. I'm ready to hear about the toy party and pet sitting adventures of DeeDee the slave.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Keep going

Please add more add another part to this .

Steffi1991GermanySteffi1991Germanyalmost 8 years ago
perfect 5 star story

i also hope there will be another part 2...3...... 4.... ;)

it was really hot and i like it that laura and chantelle tried so many girls :p

thank you,


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Oh do please continue this one, my cock is so fucking hard, I barely made it through your amazing story.

Would love it so much if you would make thos a sequal.

ntljyntljyover 7 years ago
First Favourite :)

Great story, wish there was more. This got me pretty wet at work, haha. This is the first story I've liked enough on here to warrant signing up to favourite in case I want to come back to it later. So, kudos.

Charlotte87Charlotte87over 7 years ago

Oh God how I love this story. Please give us more.

OzeminotaurOzeminotaurabout 7 years ago

As Dom and a bi male I Love this after reading this I had visions of a straight laced male in the same way

I can’t wait to read more of this submissive

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Sequel please

So hard after this story

Shot alot of loads

Sequel please

British bitchs are fuckn hot

Dom that bitch ass brit

dadischdadischalmost 7 years ago
Very good

Another brilliant story Jasmine! xx

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Can we get a sequel to see what happened that weekend?

ready52ready52over 6 years ago
Love your stories!

I haven't checked yet but I sure hope this is only the beginning and not the end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Yeah, yeah, we get if. Men are disgusting and stupid, women are perfect. Yawn.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

As I can understand the reasoning for some people not liking the story due to non-con like aspects, I absolutely loved it! Hottest story I’ve read in a really long time. We all have to remember that this scenario is a “fantasy,” and there’s no harm in writing or thinking about such things. I myself found a very real connection to Dione. Being a young, aspiring woman myself, I felt like I could practically place myself into the story. I have always considered myself straight, but have often wondered what it would be like to have something like this with a dominant woman, maybe two!

Bravo on this story. I’m only sad that there are no more chapters to the entry. I would really love to read more about Dione and her sexual journey. Thank you so much for your wonderful writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Really I have spoke to many survivors of this treatment. It’s the confusion they use to get there Way from there prey . Sad

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Chantelle and Laura acted like abusive men, forcing drunk, stood up by her friends, shy girl to say some stuff just to film it and propably blackmail her after. Also like abusive men wanting smart talented girl to stay 24/7 with you to prevent her from achiving great things in life. Awful

Fixitman8267Fixitman8267over 4 years ago

The story is well written as far as gramma, punctuation, and story flow go. What turned me off was the breach of trust. Becky and her friends pretended to be Dione's friend only to trick her and betray her trust. Chantelle and Laura were bullies who took advantage of Diones weakened state of mind and heightened lust. How many men or women do you know that will say anything to reach that orgasm? I have serious trust issues and don't like stories where the character is betrayed and taken advantage of at a time when higher brain functions are diminished. It ruins the whole story for me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
While I enjoy reading about straight white girls being seduced...

... too much of this story reads like lesbian porn (and I'm NOT a fan of "porn" as it lacks eroticism!)

netgnosticnetgnosticabout 4 years ago

If you actually know the Brits - Londoners anyway, they say 'cunt' all the time, hearing 'pussy' there is very rare in my experience. Yes, they say 'arse' certainly, but 'bum' much more often. It's in the US and Canada where 'cunt' is considered too rude to say ... except in the D/s world where it's used for shock value.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I liked the story, it was really wel written.

But the humiliation was to much for me. But thats just me personally. I know that there are people out there who are really into this kind of thing. And looking at it from their point of few its an amzing and well written story.

I just wished that becky and her ****** friends were the ones being humiliated in the end in a 'losing their job, humiliated at work, Dione getting a better life than them' for being so mean. I DESPISE people like them.

But a well done story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I was disappointed, some really erotic bits but the (almost) rape followed by humiliation and blackmail was awful.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Such a wonderful story!!!! I would love to read one more part of this story when Becky brings her friends over and does all kinds of humiliating stuff to Dione. It would be fun if Dione is reluctant initially but slowly starts loosing her inhibitions and starts to love being humiliated by Becky. Dione then slowly starts loving getting degraded by Becky and the idea of becoming her obedient pleasing bitch. All this while being ashamed of herself for wanting to be Becky's ready cuntlicking, asshole cleaning, bootlicking, spit swallowing slave whenever Becky visits.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This needs another part! What happened when they pet sat?

aglex59aglex59over 3 years ago

Just loved it. Seduction, coercing and domination, all the good ingredients for a lesbian story.

LouisJoseph60LouisJoseph60over 3 years ago

Please! More pictures 📸 📷 🖼 🤳 ✨, parts, pages, and chapters of this book 📖/story 📖. I want to see and read about DeeDee getting screwed every which way and her screwing them every which way you can. I want to see her become a Shit/Scat lover; to eat and swallow her Mistresses Chantelle and Laura, all her Female co-workers and their female friends, and all the Lesbians that were in that Lesbian Night Club that night when she was there, another words; for her to become a Permanent, Personal Lesbian Human Toilet 🚻 Slave as well as their pet forever and ever.

UncertainTUncertainTabout 3 years ago

I did not enjoy this story at all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I would love to know what happened when the girls came over to pet sit


Espero que algún día continúes con la historia de DeDee!


I hope one day you continue DeDee's story

Bio571Bio571almost 3 years ago

What a great story! :)

I was just a bit surprised that Dione didn't woke up with her pussy shaved, that could have been an interesting detail :)

Anyway that was a fantastic story and I really enjoyed reading it :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Too much verbal nastiness for me to enjoy it

chingsenchingsenalmost 3 years ago

Actually I loved it and I’m kindly ask for a second part! May you?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

@Avicia chaiii

DiaperboyMiDiaperboyMialmost 3 years ago

AWESOME story!!!! We really need a next chapter about that pet sitting weekend :-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I so identify with this story. My boss was a black lesbian who after many months of flirting and "grooming" made me hers (including sharing me). I'm married to a man now but I can't resist making excuses for "business" trips to be owned again by her and her friends.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Darn hope you are better.

Trauma is difficult to overcome.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loved this story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

That was so hot, had my cock throbbing from start to finish , pls more chapters , really need to see how Dion ended up .💜💛🧡

AquariusgirlAquariusgirlover 2 years ago

I've read this story a few times now & still love it, just as much as the first time round.

It's absolutely rated 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ in my opinion.

Please will you continue this story, so we can find out about DeeDee's new life with her Mistresses and of course, so we can see what happens when she's left alone with Becky and her friends, when they pet sit 🙏

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I would love to be a full time slave pet for such dominant mistresses

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

bro the becky plot twist is so insane im shocked fr

Spectre8Spectre8almost 2 years ago

I love this one. Please write a sequel to this! It's hot!

4chuckssite4chuckssitealmost 2 years ago

576. Interesting story and with the surprise ending, it open the door for a continuation tha, as most of your stories, will likely be forgotten as you pursue more contests and a greater total of contributions. Although I truly love pussy munching scenes, I don’t care for them to be forced onn anyone. Hard to believe the ensuing scenario and making of a full time pet. Does it really happen? Maybe only in your twisted mind.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You’re writing is great but your story is too dark. Becky is a jerk and it’s annoying that she is going to abuse Dionna.

LunaDoggyLunaDoggyabout 1 year ago

Have to say, although i LOVED this story which turned me on completely, especially when Chantelle handcuffed herself to Dione, i would have preferred it if the bitch called Becky hadn't reappeared.

But that tiny bit of black doesn't detract too much from the mass of white!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Just such a super hot story. Wow, just wow!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Loved this story! Is there plans for a part 2? I know it said the end but surely there is more to tell!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I love this story and would love a part two. The bimbofication of DeeDee

fitntrimfitntrim10 months ago

So well written - loved it … would love to read of DeeDee’s future ! Mmm

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I was used a lot when I was working at the Y. I was a lifeguard, and I can swan like a fish. I was on my swan team at school and after high school was when I went to work at the YMCA. I was working with the older ladies for their morning workout one of them was having a hard time and ask for my help I got in to work with her and we had to work close together, and she keep hitting my breast. I am only a B cup but, it was working for her to get what she needed for today. After a few days of this I told her she was going to work out by herself. I was told later that day that she was only trying to get into my pants, and she loved younger ladies, and she will pay for it if you know what I mean. I took her home one-night because, her car would not crank. I went in her house with her she got us a drink I told her I was only 19 and she said she would not tell anybody. She got us a long Island Iced Tea. It was good but, before I knew it, I was out of it she said she had 2 bedrooms, and I could stay the night she helps me to the bathroom so I could take a bath I was able to get in the bath by myself but, When I got out I did not have anything to put on so I put a towel around me and walked in the other room and asked her about my suit I had on she said I put it in the wash you don't need anything until the morning have a seat I have another drink for us. She got up and came over and set down next to me she put her arm around and started to brush my hair it feels so good just like my mother used to do. she was rubbing my arm, and I was melting in her arm she keeps telling me to drink up and she would get us another one. I did and when she got up, she helps me lay on the arm of the love seat. I only have a very small bath towel around me I am only 4'11" tall and weighs only 120lbs. My mother use to tell me that I have 30lbs. of tits. I am a full C cup, and they still stay up high on me I did not want any more drinks, so I made out like I was asleep she came back into the room and pulled me up to her and she was rubbing me all over the towel had come open some and she pulled it all the way off me. She was playing with my breast and pulling on my nipples hard I wanted to tell her to stop but, I liked the way it made me fill. She put her hand on my pussy, and I was wet she said I think you like your nipples pulled on and she pulled them out harder and harder oh my god I was I was about to cum. She then started mashing my breast hard and was finger fucking me I knew I would cum soon. I did and she got up and got between my legs and was eating me out. I came harder than ever. She picks me up in her arms like I was a sag of oranges. She is about 6' tall, big tits and very pretty I told myself that I was going to act like everything was ok but, I also told myself I hope she wanted me to come over again.

turbo_geoduckturbo_geoduck8 months ago

Pretty good, but the ending was a huge disappointment. Her domestic obviously don't care for her; she's just a toy. Sad.

SissyNSatinSissyNSatin7 months ago

You write such AMAZING stories across many genres, but lately I have been very engrossed in your sapphic writings. They are all so very well written and detailed that I become invested in the stories and the characters. My request would be to serialize some of these stories. I need multiple chapters to see where these dom/pet stories go, and I assume many of your other followers do as well. Thank you for all the time you put into your stories, and please keep them cuming!

oman1706oman17064 months ago

could you please continue this story I really want to read more of it

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I am a married woman who has a fetish for wearing nylons. My themes although I am not limited to them are: seduction, domination, humiliation, blackmail, lingerie,and submission. I write about my fantasies and will write stories based on other people's fantasies as well, ...