Tricked into Lesbian Submission


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"I'm sorry, Mistress," I absurdly apologized for being insulted.

Laura asked, "Who is the CEO of your bank?"

My eyes went big as revelation hit like a ton of bricks. I had never met her, she had supposedly been overseas since I began work, but I did know her name...Chantelle Burton.

Chantelle laughed, "You were definitely a good hire."

I was speechless.

"I am already having all your things from the apartment the bank is paying for brought here," Chantelle informed me.

"You really want me to live here?" I asked, although the question was obviously rhetorical.

"Of course," she nodded, "although after doing some more research about you today, I definitely plan to let you keep working."

"Really?" I asked, excited that at least part of the old me would still exist.

"From home," she finished, extinguishing the hope as quickly as she had built it up.

"I'll set you up with an office and everything," she continued.

"Thank you, Mistress," I again absurdly said.

"You're welcome," she smiled down at me. "I look after my pets like I do a child. I reward good behaviour and I punish bad behaviour."

I just sat there unsure what to say.

"Now for your punishment for your bad behaviour this morning, you will fuck yourself with that suction wall cock for one hour," she ordered.

I nodded, "Yes, Mistress," as I awkwardly got on all fours and backed up onto the six inch cock thinking this wasn't really much of a punishment, my cunt burning for attention anyway.

I began fucking myself while Laura and Chantelle talked about a gathering they were hosting here on Saturday.

I fucked myself slowly, so I could hear the conversation, and learned that apparently they were having a sex toy party with a few good friends.

Suddenly, the elevator opened and I froze.

"What was so urgent I had to come over here now?" said a woman's voice I instantly recognized before I even saw her.

I imagine I went as pale as a ghost as Chantelle ordered, "Keep fucking yourself, my disobedient pet."

"Yes, Mistress," I nodded, resuming fucking myself...mortified again.

"Come into the kitchen, honey," Chantelle called.

My mouth dropped open as Becky walked into the kitchen, saw me on the floor and laughed, "No fucking way."

"We finally found our pet," Chantelle explained, bending down and patting my head. "and we have you and Amber to thank, apparently."

Becky laughed, "We were just trying to embarrass the her up, which apparently you did."

"She is moving in, aren't you, pet Deedee?" Chantelle asked.

"Yes, Mistress," I admitted, not looking up.

Becky roared, as she walked over to me and ordered, "Come and get a snack, bitch."

I moved up, the cock slipping out of me, moved under her skirt, pulled down her panties and began cheeks burning with shame even as my taste buds bubbled with flavour.

As I licked, Becky said, "The girls are going to love this."

I gasped into Becky's pussy as I realized the humiliation that likely lie ahead. Life as I knew it was over and yet, as I continued licking the bitch's delicious cunt, I realized I wouldn't have it any other way.

Chantelle said, making clear all that did lie ahead for me, "This weekend she is ours, but next weekend Laura and I are going to Switzerland. You can bring the girls here and pet sit."


The End

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Would very much enjoy seeing a part 2 and even a part 3 to this story. Very hot.

CarrysbisailingCarrysbisailingabout 1 month ago

Absolutely wonderful! Totally loved this story, and so very jealous! I really hope I can find Mistresses to take me in. A wonderful storyline, exquisite detail, humour,'s got it all. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I did not think very much of it!? I'm not one for the belittling of a person, in this way! I expected much better from this writer.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Deedee's future will be a black woman's breeding black children and she will deliver black children for the black couple. And she will live in fear of being dumped by Chantelle!

oman1706oman17064 months ago

will you continue this please?

oman1706oman17064 months ago

could you please continue this story I really want to read more of it

SissyNSatinSissyNSatin7 months ago

You write such AMAZING stories across many genres, but lately I have been very engrossed in your sapphic writings. They are all so very well written and detailed that I become invested in the stories and the characters. My request would be to serialize some of these stories. I need multiple chapters to see where these dom/pet stories go, and I assume many of your other followers do as well. Thank you for all the time you put into your stories, and please keep them cuming!

turbo_geoduckturbo_geoduck8 months ago

Pretty good, but the ending was a huge disappointment. Her domestic obviously don't care for her; she's just a toy. Sad.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I was used a lot when I was working at the Y. I was a lifeguard, and I can swan like a fish. I was on my swan team at school and after high school was when I went to work at the YMCA. I was working with the older ladies for their morning workout one of them was having a hard time and ask for my help I got in to work with her and we had to work close together, and she keep hitting my breast. I am only a B cup but, it was working for her to get what she needed for today. After a few days of this I told her she was going to work out by herself. I was told later that day that she was only trying to get into my pants, and she loved younger ladies, and she will pay for it if you know what I mean. I took her home one-night because, her car would not crank. I went in her house with her she got us a drink I told her I was only 19 and she said she would not tell anybody. She got us a long Island Iced Tea. It was good but, before I knew it, I was out of it she said she had 2 bedrooms, and I could stay the night she helps me to the bathroom so I could take a bath I was able to get in the bath by myself but, When I got out I did not have anything to put on so I put a towel around me and walked in the other room and asked her about my suit I had on she said I put it in the wash you don't need anything until the morning have a seat I have another drink for us. She got up and came over and set down next to me she put her arm around and started to brush my hair it feels so good just like my mother used to do. she was rubbing my arm, and I was melting in her arm she keeps telling me to drink up and she would get us another one. I did and when she got up, she helps me lay on the arm of the love seat. I only have a very small bath towel around me I am only 4'11" tall and weighs only 120lbs. My mother use to tell me that I have 30lbs. of tits. I am a full C cup, and they still stay up high on me I did not want any more drinks, so I made out like I was asleep she came back into the room and pulled me up to her and she was rubbing me all over the towel had come open some and she pulled it all the way off me. She was playing with my breast and pulling on my nipples hard I wanted to tell her to stop but, I liked the way it made me fill. She put her hand on my pussy, and I was wet she said I think you like your nipples pulled on and she pulled them out harder and harder oh my god I was I was about to cum. She then started mashing my breast hard and was finger fucking me I knew I would cum soon. I did and she got up and got between my legs and was eating me out. I came harder than ever. She picks me up in her arms like I was a sag of oranges. She is about 6' tall, big tits and very pretty I told myself that I was going to act like everything was ok but, I also told myself I hope she wanted me to come over again.

fitntrimfitntrim10 months ago

So well written - loved it … would love to read of DeeDee’s future ! Mmm

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I love this story and would love a part two. The bimbofication of DeeDee

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Loved this story! Is there plans for a part 2? I know it said the end but surely there is more to tell!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Just such a super hot story. Wow, just wow!

LunaDoggyLunaDoggyabout 1 year ago

Have to say, although i LOVED this story which turned me on completely, especially when Chantelle handcuffed herself to Dione, i would have preferred it if the bitch called Becky hadn't reappeared.

But that tiny bit of black doesn't detract too much from the mass of white!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You’re writing is great but your story is too dark. Becky is a jerk and it’s annoying that she is going to abuse Dionna.

4chuckssite4chuckssitealmost 2 years ago

576. Interesting story and with the surprise ending, it open the door for a continuation tha, as most of your stories, will likely be forgotten as you pursue more contests and a greater total of contributions. Although I truly love pussy munching scenes, I don’t care for them to be forced onn anyone. Hard to believe the ensuing scenario and making of a full time pet. Does it really happen? Maybe only in your twisted mind.

Spectre8Spectre8almost 2 years ago

I love this one. Please write a sequel to this! It's hot!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

bro the becky plot twist is so insane im shocked fr

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I would love to be a full time slave pet for such dominant mistresses

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